mayan 13 moon dreamspell mayan calendar
13 Moon Calendar Information
The 13 Moon Dreamspell Calendar is composed of 13 ~ 28 day Moon cycles. Within each 28 day moon, 13 tones (depicted by dot-bar numeration) interweave with 20 tribes (depicted by glyph signs). Each day is composed of a tone and tribe combination. Each tone and tribe carry a distinct universal energy. The cyclic combinations of each tone with each tribe compose the 260 day Tzolkin. The Tzolkin is the sacred time-cycle template from which all Mayan calendars including the Dreamspell calendar are based. The Dreamspell has adapted the framework of the Mayan calendar into a translation of Mayan time which is easy for the beginner to understand, yet also offers an amazingly complex matrix of radial time for the advanced explorer to navigate.

Intergalactic time is a paradigm shift to fourth dimensional time and beyond. The Dreamspell attunes to the universal time frequency of 13:20, and realigns us with the harmonic synchronicity of natural time cycles. By attuning to the 13:20 frequency of natural time, we can break out of the artificial 12:60 time warp which perpetuates the myth of separation, fear and duality. The Dreamspell is designed to dispel the 12:60 time frequency which governs the philosophy that time is money and return us to the remembrance that time is energy, time is art. By attuning to the natural universal cycles of time, we realign with unity, harmonic convergence and the unlimited intergalactic potential of our true creative human nature.

The 13 Moon Intergalactic Time Keeper and the 13 Moon Intergalactic Time Journal are Dreamspell count calendars based on the ancient time wisdom of the Mayan Calendar. The 13 Moon Intergalactic Time Keeper follows the Dreamspell count brought to light by the visionary Jose Arguelles. The Dreamspell count works with Mayan cycles but should not be confused with the Long Count Mayan Calendar.

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